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Opening and running a company in Malta

  Company Formation in Malta
Opening and running a company in Malta

Your company in Malta opened in 2 to 5 working days.

We take care of everything to make sure opening a company on the island of Malta is simple and easy.

Our expert team help you every step of the way and our procedures are straightforward and quick to complete.

With the necessary paperwork completed, you can expect to have your Maltese company opened in 2 to 5 working days.

With Astra Consulting, opening a company in Malta couldn’t be easier.

What do you need to open a Maltese company?

  • Decide on a name for your company
  • Outline your company’s proposed activities
  • Complete our application form
  • For each shareholder we need proof of identity (ID or passport), proof of address, a professional reference, and a short CV

What does Astra do?

  • We collect, check and submit all the necessary paperwork to get your Malta company up and running.
  • We draft the memorandum and articles of association to reflect the commercial activities of your company based in Malta.
  • We deposit the share capital and register your Malta company for tax and VAT with the relevant authorities.
  • We ensure your Maltese company adheres to all relevant regulatory and anti-money laundering requirements.

How much capital do I need to open a company in Malta?

Your Malta Private Limited company can be set up with a minimum issued share capital of €1,165. As just 20% of the nominal value must be paid upon subscription, you only need €233 share capital to open the company.

Do I need to come to Malta?

No, we take care of everything for you remotely. You simply need to provide the correct documentation and we will get your company opened. That’s just one way we ensure setup is simple, quick and easy!

Make my life easy – help me open my company

How easy is it to manage my Malta company?

A Maltese company needs at least one director, a company secretary and a registered office.

Under Maltese law, your company must have a registered address in Malta. We can provide that for you or, alternatively, arrange for a lease or purchase of office accommodation if that is preferable.

Even though you may not reside in Malta, you can choose to be the company director. However, a local director such as Astra Consulting can assist with the management and control of the company in Malta. This would include dealing with the local authorities such as the VAT and Tax departments. Appointing us as your local director has many advantages including local expertise, ease of communication with the Maltese authorities, proving substance in Malta and, most importantly, complete peace of mind.

The company secretary has considerable corporate and legal responsibilities including taking minutes at meetings, keeping appropriate records and ensuring all returns and documents are delivered on time and in accordance with regulations. By acting as your company secretary we take these pressures away from you.

Astra Consulting has many years of experience providing corporate services to international clients. We take care of the administration, so you can focus on growing your business.

Take the stress out of managing my Maltese company

We also help with your company’s financials, including:

  • Bookkeeping
  • VAT returns
  • Tax returns
  • Accounts
  • Auditing and tax reclaims

Astra Consulting provides the full range of support services to ensure your company remains financially and legally compliant. Our team takes care of monthly accounting, quarterly VAT returns and preparing your accounts for audit, as well as providing you with financial statements when you need them. We liaise with the Maltese Inland Revenue to ensure everything is in order for tax rebates to be paid as quickly as possible.

If your Maltese company employs people in Malta, we help register them with the relevant employment authorities. We run your company payroll, so employees are paid and the correct social security and tax is deducted and paid on time.

Help me ensure my company is professional and compliant


We open your company in Malta in 2 to 5 working days.


We keep things simple so you understand the process.


We are easy to deal with and always available for you.